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Top 10 Cheers We Love to Hear!

Cheer season never ends. There’s always time to test out new cheers, right? But what cheers should they be practicing the most? Here are the top ten cheers that really get the crowd going!

Special thanks to all the cheerleaders who added their own ideas and to all those cheer moms ordering our custom cheer bags, shorts, and more.


10. “Be Aggressive”

Be aggressive

B-E aggressive!


Be aggressive!

9.  “Fight”

We’re gonna spell fight in a way that’s better
So when I say get on up, you just shout the letter,
Get on up, F,
Get on up, I,
Get on up, G,
Get on up, H,
Get on up, T,
What’s that spell?
What do we do?
One more time,

8. “You May Be Good At Football”

You may be good at Football
You may be good at Track
But when it comes to Basketball
You better watch your Back
Cardinals Attack!
(Stomp, Clap, Stomp Stomp, Clap, Stomp Stomp, Clap Clap, Stomp Stomp, Clap)
Repeat Once
Repeat Cheer and Stomp and Clap

7.  “Big G Little O

Big “G” Little “O”



6.  “Red Hot”

Our team is red hot,
Our team is red hot,
Our team is red hot,
Our team is r-e-d h-o-t.
Once we start, we can’t be stopped!
Let’s go, let’s go!

5. “Victory”


That’s the cardinal’s battle cry!

Victory, Victory, Victory!

4. “Super”

The S is for super and
The U is for united
The P is for perfection and you know we are excited
The E is for energetic and
The R is for Rad
so tell the other team
We’re the best and we’re glad!

3.  “Knock ‘em Down”

Knock ’em down
Roll ’em around
Come on defense work, WORK!

2.  “Hot to Go”


Triad Cards (clap)

Are hot to go


Hot to go


1. Any cheers by SNL’s “Spartan Cheerleaders” Spartan Spirit!

R.O.W.D.I.E. That’s the way we spell rowdy, rowdy let’s get rowdy. R.O.W.D.I.E. Spartan spirit! Spartan spirit! Spartan spirit!

So check us out. U.G.L.Y. you ain’t got no alibi. Your ugly, hey hey you’re ugly. K.I.N.G. You can’t take my king from me you’re ugly. Yeah yeah you’re ugly. Not cute. Spartan spirit, Spartan spirit.


We hope you found this useful. You know what else you might find useful? An easy way to customize and order cheer shirts, sweats, bags and more. And that’s exactly what we do at Customized Girl!

51 thoughts to “Top 10 Cheers We Love to Hear!”

  1. My fav cheers (and one I made up🤫)

    W-I-L-D were wild! That’s what we’re gonna be!

    You might be good at soccer, you might be good at track, but when it comes to football, you might as well step back!

    We want a hotdog,we want a coke, we want a touchdown that’s no joke!

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