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Spread the Word of Your Health and Fitness Business with Custom Apparel

It’s that time of month again where Customized Girl highlights a storefront that exceeds our expectations. This month’s feature is to the highly motivated and passionate Health Nut in Training. Health Nut in Training is a website dedicated to finding hope and motivation through the journey of weight loss. She documents her highest accomplishments and her lowest of low points to inform other individuals know they are not alone. Health Nut decided to open a storefront with Customized Girl to give her readers additional motivation to feel good about themselves while working towards their weight loss goals.

Health Nut also does a great job of advertising products on their website. We get a lot of questions from storefront owners asking how they can feature their storefront on their website or blog. It’s always a great idea to add  a “store” or “shop” link to the main navigation of your website but Health Nut in Training has a “get your gear” section on the right side of every post. It’s one of the many things we admire about her branding and advertising.

We love Health Nut for putting it all out there and inspiring others to be their best. Customized Girl strongly believes in representing statement makers who are making statements in small or large  ways in their cities and communities. Health Nut is doing just that. “Not an expert yet, well who really is? You’re just trying to live your best life! We’re always in training.”

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