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Price Increase Effective Februrary 22, 2008

Dear Customers,

We regret to inform you that effective Februrary 22, 2008 our prices will be increasing. We held off as long as we could, but our product and delivery costs have increased substantially due to the falling value of the US dollar and rising price of fuel. We are forced to adjust our prices in order to maintain the highest level of quality and customer service that you are used to.

As always, we appreciate your comments, questions, and concerns. If you would like to get in touch with a customer service representative please call 1-800-361-8811 from 9am – 5:30pm EST or email customer service anytime. If you would like to contact me directly regarding this matter you may do so at tschaffnit[at]

Thank you for your understanding,

Taj Schaffnit


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