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NNEMAP Food Pantry & Customized Girl

Customized Girl is teaming up with the Columbus, Ohio based NNEMAP Food Pantry to help provide additional meals to families in need in the Columbus, Ohio area.

In unprecedented times you’re forced to stop and reflect. What really matters? What is actually important in our lives? For us the answer was simple. Those we love and those in our community.

We decided we wanted to do something to help those groups. It was an easy decision to make. We knew we had a connection to a local food bank, the NNEMAP Food Pantry, and we knew that we could print inspiring shirts with local appeal.

We put two and two together and came up with a special storefront on our site called the ‘Buy A Shirt, Buy A Meal‘ storefront. We made some special unique designs you can only get on this storefront and decided that all the profit that comes from these sales will go directly to the NNEMAP food pantry to help keep their shelves stocked.

In difficult times, unity becomes more important than making a sale and we wanted to feel that unity with our community. We hope you feel the same and will buy one of our fun and inspiring designs. You’re not just supporting us, a small local business in Columbus, Ohio, you’re also supporting community resources that keep people fed.

Thank you for your support! We are all in this together.

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