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Friends of Feil Benefit in Chicago

Friends of Feil

Chris Feil is a friend of ours here at Customized Girl. He is a Chicago Police Officer that most recently worked in the special gang unit for the City of Chicago.  He has been a police officer for almost 10 years. He has made a great name for himself within the police force, his unit and his community. A little over 2 years ago he was in a serious car accident while in pursuit of a suspect. The accident left him with tremendous pain and permanent damage to his back. He has recently had to undergo his third major back surgery. On a daily basis he deals with a tremendous amount of pain, the loss of mobility and constant numbness in his legs and feet. Most of these symptoms will never go away, but the hope is the pain will subside. The recovery process will be very slow and will take up to a year to possibly see any real long term results.

On Saturday, May 11th, 2013 a benefit will be held at 115 Bourbon Street in Chicago to help raise money for Chris, his wife, and their four girls. Any money raised will go towards helping Chris and Sam with day to day living cost. If you are in Chicago, or if you’re not, and you’re just interested in doing what you can to help a police officer who needs it, consider attending the benefit or donating in any way you can.

It was the least we could do to donate a few shirts for the cause. They will be available to purchase at the benefit. More details on Chris’s Facebook Page and on the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation’s website.

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