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Customized Girl Design Contest


We want to give you $200 and feature your design in US Weekly. We hope you accept.

Here is the story:

Every week, we try to come up with witty, funny, and interesting t-shirt sayings for our weekly magazine ads.

This can be a daunting task. So we were wondering if you wanted to help out.

All you have to do is create a design and save it to the Community Gallery. Tag it “Contest 1”, and we’ll let you know if you win!

Tips for a successful design:

This design will be featured in an advertisement in US Weekly, so it has to fill several requirements. Most importantly, it needs to inspire people. It should be a design that people see and think “Oh my gosh, I want to create my own shirt too!”

One way this can be achieved is through personalization. It would be nice if the design was immediately recognizable as customizable (i.e. “Jon’s Tight End” on a pair of hot shorts). The ideal design would be an inside joke that could apply to a broad audience (i.e. “I won an argument with Jon, December 2008”).

Another type of design is the clever or funny saying that doesn’t require any personalization and can be purchased as it is (i.e. “Free Paris”).

You can choose any piece of apparel to make your design, but the Women’s Tops and Undies sections are probably your best bet.

If you’ve never saved a design before, here’s a quick lesson:

Click on the piece of apparel with which you want to start. In the Design Center, you can add text, clipart, and your own images. Everything is adjustable, so feel free to experiment with the text styles, colors, sizes, etc.

Most importantly, be sure to save your design once you’re finished. Just click the save button in the Design Center.

On the next page name your design, choose the first tag from the drop-down menu, and add “Contest 1” as an additional tag.

Be sure to leave your Share Option as “share”. Then click “Save” and you’re done!

This is our first week running this contest, so we’re not exactly sure what to expect. Only a really great design will get chosen. If it’s successful we’d like to do it every week with the same prize.

Once a design is chosen, it will go into the next possible US Weekly ad, which might not appear for a couple of weeks, depending on the deadlines.

Sound good? We really want you guys to have a great time interacting with our site, and if we can put a little extra cash in some cunning person’s pocket, we’d like to do that as well. Thanks and good luck!

If you’d like to see who you’re competing against, just click here. If you see something you like, add a comment to that design. The designer would probably appreciate it!

*You must be 18 years old to claim your prize.

*Enter as many times as you want. You do not have to purchase your design to be entered into the contest.

14 thoughts to “Customized Girl Design Contest”

  1. How many times can we enter? In other words, how many shirts, bag, or what not can you make a day?

  2. ok do I have to pay for the shirt in order to enter the contest?
    I have so many ideas for stuff like this im a poet and an artist please contact me to tell me what to do to join.

  3. Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay in the response.

    @ Heather – We encourage you to enter as many times as you want. There is no cost for you or us when designs are created and saved to the gallery.

    @ kit – You do have to be 18 years old to claim the prize

    @Ashley – No, you do not have to buy the shirt to be entered in the contest. All you have to do is sign in with Customized Girl, create a design, and save it to the gallery with the tag “Contest 1”. Please see the above blog post for more details.

    Thanks so much for everyone’s interest. We’re really pleased with the designs that have already been uploaded. I’m sure you guys have even more ideas up your sleeves!

  4. The final date for entries for Contest 1 is Feb 29th at noon ET. But this is working out really well, so if you come up with a new idea, tag it “Contest 2”, and you’ll be entered for our next Contest.

    Hopefully, we can keep it going and start giving out $200 every week to our awesome customers.

    Thanks for all your enthusiasm, everybody!

  5. oh my god, you are so immature kellie. i really want to hit you in the face right now….and for the girl that asked if you had to be 18 to do it, well DUH!! you dont do any contest on the internet unless you’re 18 that involves recieving a prize dude. GET A LIFE ALL OF YOU WHORES

  6. how about if you wer not 18….. But a family memeber claims your prize and all that for you? Could it happen that way?

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