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Customize THIS! Best Friends Day!

You and Your BFF!

How fun would it be to customize a unique tee, tank or accessory for you and your BFF! Get some inspiration from Michelle’s customized tank designs for her and her BFF Michelle. That’s right–they are both named Michelle!

So, my name is Michelle and my best friends name is Michelle. We’ve been besties for 7 years. Right after high school she got married and moved from Washington state to Florida. She recently came home for a wedding and we decided we HAD to have matching shirts to remember each other by and celebrate! Both of our favorite colors is pink so we knew we needed pink on it. On the back we have a shape of the U.S. with stars indicating where we live. We also decided to put one of our favorite quotes and inside joke on it from a popular internet video, which can be found on YouTube called “Shoes” by Liam Sullivan. This pretty much sums it up! We are so happy with our product and love wearing them around and remembering our fun summer reunion. Now we can’t wait for Michelle in Florida to come home for good in 2012!

Thanks Michelle for sharing and to the rest of you, get customizing your very own BFF tanks! Have fun with it. That’s what it is all about!

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