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Contest 3 Officially Launches: Win $200

Welcome back for another Customized Girl Design Contest! Simply create, save, and tag your design “Contest 3” for the chance to win $200 and the honor of viewing your design in the pages of US Weekly.

Check out the winners of Contest 1 and Contest 2:

This is an ongoing contest, so after we choose a winner for Contest 3, Contest 4 will launch immediately. We’ll choose the winner right around April 22nd and announce it in this blog. We’ll also alert the winner by email.

The design we choose will be used to advertise Customized Girl, so keep that in mind when creating your designs. We’re looking for something that is obviously personalized, and hopefully smart, funny, and cute too! We know that’s a lot to ask for, but the bar has been set pretty high by the previous entries.


If you’ve never saved a design before, here’s a quick lesson:

Choose any piece of apparel from one of our many categories (we recommend Her Tops and Undies). In the Design Center you can add text, clipart, and your own images. Everything is adjustable, so feel free to experiment with the text styles, colors, sizes, etc.

(If you’re not already logged in, you’ll have to log in or create an account at this point. Don’t worry it’s super easy and takes 5 seconds.)

On the next page name your design, choose the first tag from the drop down menu, and add “Contest 3” as an additional tag.

Be sure to leave your Share Option as “share”. Then click “Save” and you’re done!

*You must be 18 years old to claim your prize.

*Enter as many times as you want. You do not have to purchase your design to be entered into the contest. Thanks so much for participating and good luck!

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