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Contest 3 has a Winner

Congrats to jumper_girl_06 for winning Customized Girl’s Third Design Contest! She wins $200 and her design will be featured in the May 2nd issue of US Weekly.

We like the design because it’s personalized, it shows smart use of the skull-and-crossbones clipart (via the pirate theme), and it kinda rhymes (Sherry’s First Mate….Two Thousand Eight). Overall, an excellent design.

It was once again very difficult to choose because of all the great submissions. We had almost 900 (!) entries this time, and we were really thrilled with all the creativity and hard work on display. Thanks so much to all who entered!

And with that, Contest 4 is launched. Simply create, save and tag your design “contest 4”. Look for a post soon with all the details.

Thanks again, and congrats to jumper_girl_06.

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