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Thanks to everyone who participated in the New Years Resolution Contest on Twitter. We had a lot of fun reviewing the results and thanks to everyone who decided to follow CustomizedGirl on Twitter as well. Happy New Year everyone!

To see the results of the #CGNEWYEARS click Here

As promised here are the links to our Top 10 Winners Twitter Profiles.

  1. @extractors
  2. @pricousins
  3. @funsavingmoney
  4. @BittenbyBooks
  5. @Bella_Casa
  6. @hardertobreathe
  7. @valerie2350
  8. @MierGen
  9. @TheComputerLady
  10. @venessasue
  11. Again Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest and Happy New Year from all of us @CustomizedGirl.


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