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Celebrating International Day of the Girl

Today, October 11th, is the International Day of the Girl.

Obviously, we feel a kinship with this movement. Both of our names end in “Girl”. (We are Customized Girl.)

But joking aside, this is an important movement with serious goals. Check out, which is a “100% youth-led movement for gender justice and youth activism”.

The United Nations declared 10/11 as the Day of the Girl back in 2011. It’s about bettering girls’ lives all over the world. Providing them an opportunity to take leadership positions. Reaching their full potential.

These are things we so often take for granted with boys. But there are places in this world, sometimes in our own backyards, where this equality does not exist.

So celebrate with us today. Girl power means empowering girls. We’re on board. Are you?


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