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20 Celebrity Mental Breakdowns – Updated 2021

Hello loyal reader. You’ve stumbled across yet another one of our older blog posts that discussed a very sensitive topic. This blog post used to be about 20 different celebrities and their struggles with mental health and mental disabilities. As times have changed, so too has this blog post. We at Customized Girl believe it is no longer okay to highlight the struggles of human beings, whether they be celebrities or everyday people, as a spectacle. We’ve come to learn that mental health is one of the most important, if not the most important, aspects of our everyday life.

We’ve removed this blog post to show that we no longer support the highlighting of ‘mental breakdowns’ as something to enjoy or indulge in when those that are dealing with mental health issues are truly suffering. If you or someone you know is currently suffering from depression, anxiety, or any other type of mental health issue, we encourage you to reach out to your local mental health professionals or visit the National Institute of Mental Health website to help you seek treatment.

7 thoughts to “20 Celebrity Mental Breakdowns – Updated 2021”

  1. I think the title you chose was quite hurtful and insensitive to bipolar sufferers. They aren’t “whack jobs” and they aren’t “crazy.” They are people who have chemical imbalances in their brains.

    Might as well mock people in wheelchairs. Go ahead, start mocking the physically disabled, like you mocked the mentally ill.

  2. Interesting comment, it’s amazing that people that are a little different are considered mentally ill. So, most normal people are boring. That makes 50% of the population mentally including President’s, dictators, lobbyists, actors, musicians, writer’s or is it a business for the doctors psychiatrist’s and the Pharmacology industry…Isn’t normal to be upset if one looses a job, love, family, money, and in addition there is alcohol, which is a problem for drinkers…Why is mental disease considered more of a taboo than an alcoholic, or even a wealthy person that is in and out of jail like Lyndsay Lohan or Marty Sheen etc.

  3. @Displeased – Funny, I did not see anyone called a “whack job” or “crazy” in the whole article. I see no insult at all beyond being singled out. But hey, these folks sought fame and that means their laundry is let out for all to see.
    @Coco – Just because so many people are afflicted does not mean that they are not sick. When the cold/ flu is going around and seemingly everybody has it you don’t say they are normal and not sick. That’s just stupid.

  4. The title is fine… There’s no reason why breakdown/meltdown shouldn’t apply to every erratic, odd or disturbing episode regardless of the cause be it drugs or mental illness.

  5. @displeased Don’t have a clue what you’re on about. The title is just fine and they said nothing insulting towards any of the names mentioned…

    The title said they had mental breakdowns, which is what they had. Grow up and stop trying to make others feel guilty for no reason.

  6. After my son had an acute psychotic episode 18 months ago. it’s reassuring that celebrities have been vulnerable and admitted to having mental ill health. This has highlighted that it’s just like any other illness and nothing to hide away.

  7. 1.) Yes, mental illness is as real and life-threatening as heart disease or cancer.

    2.) It’s also true that the definition of mental illness has expanded to include nearly every possible trait or behavior. Things that used to be considered part of one’s personality are now symptoms of a mental illness. Diagnosis is based on subjective reports of symptoms or observations of behaviors by doctors. There are still no objective diagnostic tests like brain scans or genetic testing, yet powerful mind-altering drugs are dispensed like candy as a treatment. Not exactly scientific.

    3.) Labeling the mentally ill as “wack jobs” or other degrading terms perpetuates stigma and stereotypes that have been around since the Dark Ages.

    4.) Just as mental illness can be used to stigmatize, it can also be used to excuse bad behavior in privileged celebrities who get caught breaking the law.

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