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All About Celebrities Blog Carnival: Volume 4

Welcome to the 4th Edition of the All about Celebrities Blog Carnival. This has been a lot of fun for us to host thus far and we plan on continuing it as well. To link to The Customized Girl Blog and any of our editions of the All About Celebrities Blog Carnival use this code

BeThisWay presents Brushes With Fame posted at Are You Going To Be This Way The Rest of The Time I Know You?.

Silveral presents How Celebrities Achieve Their Life’ Goals With Life Coaching posted at Celebrity News, and Gossip.

Jeff Sullivan presents Six – Best New Shows In Branson posted at Branson Travel Attractions.

Fenny presents Fashion & Styles posted at Fenny Lopez.

Jennifer Longe presents People’s View N Opinion posted at People’s View N Opinion.

Jason DeFuria presents Britney Spears, crazy in a good way? posted at What Planet Is This?.

Rickey Henderson presents Rickey Reviews This “Iron Mensch” Movie That The Kids Seem Rather Keen On… posted at Riding with Rickey.

Michael presents Superstar Attorney Willie Gary Paying $28,000 a Month in Child Support posted at International Law News.

sarah presents Harry Potter’s mystery dream girl taken but “keen to meet up” posted at SARAHSPY.

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