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2022 Statement Makers Customized Girl Scholarship Contest

2022 was a record-breaking year for the Customized Girl scholarship program. We had an astonishing number of entries for 2022, totaling over 2000! The highest amount we’ve seen since we started offering this scholarship.

With such an extensive amount of applicants, we had an even harder time narrowing down our winners. Before announcing the winners, we do feel it’s important to say thank you to everyone that applied. Regardless of winning, we see this as an overall victory for those pursuing higher education, especially those that are women. We couldn’t be more proud of everyone that applied, so thank you!

Without further ado, our 2022 Customized Girl Annual Scholarship winners are …

Statement: “Nothing’s easy, but nothing’s impossible, either. Don’t let this thing called “nothing” hold you back. Period. you have the power to change it at any time.”

Statement: “The world needs more women who are willing to stand up for what they believe in. To own who they are. To take over the controlled narrative of who and what a women should be. We are more powerful than that.”

Congratulations to these two winners! Thank you to everyone who participated and we wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Remember, we do this every year. The 2023 Customized Girl Annual Scholarship is now open. Good luck!

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