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National Mutt Day!!

Tomorrow is National Mutt Day! If your favorite four-legged friend is without a pedigree (a.k.a your dog is a Half-Breed, or Mixed-Breed) then you know this is a day for them! In many ways, pure-bred breeders, and sometimes the public in general view mutts as “lesser” than pure-breeds.  However, mutt owners know better.  They know […]

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It’s Chocolate Day!

Women of America can rejoice, for today is Chocolate Day! Chocolate Day is always on July 7th, and it provides us with the perfect opportunity to indulge in our favorite chocolates in large proportions (just in case you need an excuse to do so).  Chocolate is America’s favorite flavor in candies, ice cream, cakes, breakfast […]

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Happy Fourth of July!

“In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.”  ~Franklin D. Roosevelt It’s Independence Day! Each year on July 4th, Americans celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which officially established the original thirteen American states as a separate entity from the British Parliament.  Many Americans celebrate the birthday of the […]

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Happy Canada Day!

What better way to ring in the month of July by celebrating the day that Canada became a nation! July 1st 2010 marks the 143rd celebration of Canada Day, formerly known as Dominion Day. On this day in 1867 the British North American Act united the British colonies of Upper Canada, Lower Canada, New Brunswick, […]

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